import SimpleSchema from 'simpl-schema';
import { _ } from 'lodash';
import { ChallengeInterests } from './ChallengeInterestCollection';
import { Interests } from '../interest/InterestCollection';
import BaseSlugCollection from '../base/BaseSlugCollection';
import { slugify, Slugs } from '../slug/SlugCollection';
/** @namespace api/challenge */
* ChallengeCollection holds all the HACC-Hui challenges.
* @extends api/base.BaseSlugCollection
* @memberOf api/challenge
class ChallengeCollection extends BaseSlugCollection {
constructor() {
super('Challenge', new SimpleSchema({
title: { type: String },
slugID: { type: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Id },
description: { type: String },
submissionDetail: { type: String },
pitch: { type: String },
* Defines a new challenge.
* @param title {string} the challenge's title.
* @param description {string} the challenge's description.
* @param interests {string[]} the interest slugs associated with the challenge.
* @param submissionDetail {string} the submission details.
* @param pitch {string} the URL to the pitch.
* @return {string} the id of the new challenge.
define({ title, description, interests, submissionDetail, pitch }) {
const docs = this.find({ title, description, submissionDetail, pitch }).fetch();
if (docs && docs.length > 0) {
const challengeID = docs[0]._id;
const cis ={ challengeID }).fetch(), (ci) => ci.interestID);
const interestIDs = Interests.getIDs(interests);
if (cis.length === interestIDs.length) {
let same = true;
_.each(cis, (ci) => {
if (!_.includes(interestIDs, ci)) {
same = false;
if (same) {
// console.log('the same');
return challengeID;
const challenge = slugify(title);
const slugID = Slugs.define({ name: challenge });
const challengeID = this._collection.insert({ title, slugID, description, submissionDetail, pitch });
// Connect the Slug to this Challenge
Slugs.updateEntityID(slugID, challengeID);
_.each(interests, (interest) => ChallengeInterests.define({ challenge, interest }));
return challengeID;
* Updates the given challenge.
* @param docID {string} the docID of the challenge to update.
* @param description {string} the new description, optional.
* @param interestIDs {string[]} the new interest slugs, optional.
* @param submissionDetail {string} the new submission details, optional.
* @param pitch {string} the new pitch URL, optional.
update(docID, { description, interestIDs, submissionDetail, pitch }) {
const updateData = {};
if (description) {
updateData.description = description;
if (submissionDetail) {
updateData.submissionDetail = submissionDetail;
if (pitch) {
updateData.pitch = pitch;
this._collection.update(docID, { $set: updateData });
if (interestIDs && interestIDs.length > 0) {
const challengeName = this.findDoc(docID).title;
// remove the old interests
const oldInterests = ChallengeInterests.find({ challengeID: docID }).fetch();
_.each(oldInterests, (old) => ChallengeInterests.removeIt(old._id));
// add the new interests
_.each(interestIDs, (interestID) => {
const interest = Interests.findSlugByID(interestID);
ChallengeInterests.define({ challengeName, interest });
removeIt(docID) {
const challengeInterests = ChallengeInterests.find({ challengeID: docID }).fetch();
_.each(challengeInterests, (ci) => {
dumpOne(docID) {
const doc = this.findDoc(docID);
const { title, description, submissionDetails, pitch } = doc;
const challengeInterests = ChallengeInterests.find({ challengeID: docID }).fetch();
const interests =, (ci) => Interests.findSlugByID(ci.interestID));
return { title, description, interests, submissionDetails, pitch };
* Singleton instance of the ChallengeCollection.
* @type {api/challenge.ChallengeCollection}
* @memberOf api/challenge
export const Challenges = new ChallengeCollection();