import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { check } from 'meteor/check';
import SimpleSchema from 'simpl-schema';
import BaseCollection from '../base/BaseCollection';
/** @namespace api/slug */
* Slugs are unique strings that can be used to identify entities and can be used in URLs.
* @extends api/base.BaseCollection
* @memberOf api/slug
class SlugCollection extends BaseCollection {
* Creates the Slug collection.
constructor() {
super('Slug', new SimpleSchema({
name: { type: String },
entityID: { type: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Id, optional: true },
* Creates a new Slug instance and adds it to the collection.
* @example
* Slugs.define({ name: 'software-engineering' });
* @param { String } name The name of the slug. Must be globally unique across all entities.
* @returns { String } The docID of the created Slug.
* @throws { Meteor.Error } If the slug already exists.
define({ name }) {
check(name, String);
if (super.isDefined(name)) {
throw new Meteor.Error(`Attempt to redefine slug: ${name}`, '', Error().stack);
if (!this.isValidSlugName(name)) {
throw new Meteor.Error(`Slug is not a-zA-Z0-9 or dash, period, underscore, or @: ${name}`, '', Error().stack);
const docID = this._collection.insert({ name });
return docID;
* Returns true if slugName is syntactically valid (i.e. consists of a-zA-Z0-9 or dash or underscore.)
* @param slugName {string} The slug name.
* @returns {boolean} True if it's OK.
isValidSlugName(slugName) {
const slugRegEx = new RegExp('^[a-zA-Z0-9@.]+(?:[_-][a-zA-Z0-9@.]+)*$');
return (typeof slugName === 'string') && slugName.length > 0 && slugRegEx.test(slugName);
* Updates a Slug with the docID of the associated entity.
* @param { String } slugID The docID of this Slug.
* @param { String } entityID The docID of the entity to be associated with this Slug.
updateEntityID(slugID, entityID) {
this._collection.update(slugID, { $set: { entityID } });
* Returns the docID of the entity associated with this Slug.
* @param { String } slugName The slug name or docID.
* @returns { String } The docID of the entity.
* @throws { Meteor.Error } If the slug or entity cannot be found or is the wrong type.
getEntityID(slugName) {
if (!this.isDefined(slugName)) {
throw new Meteor.Error(`Undefined slug ${slugName}.`, '', Error().stack);
const doc = this.findDoc(slugName);
return doc.entityID;
* Returns true if the passed slugID is defined in this collection.
* In the case of SlugCollection, hasSlug is a synonym for isDefined, and you should use isDefined instead.
* @param { String } slugID A docID.
* @returns {boolean} True if the slugID is in this collection.
hasSlug(slugID) {
return this.isDefined(slugID);
* Returns the slug name associated with this ID.
* @param slugID The slug ID.
* @returns The slug name.
* @throws { Meteor.Error } If the passed slugID is not valid.
getNameFromID(slugID) {
return this.findDoc(slugID).name;
* A stricter form of remove that throws an error if the document or docID could not be found in this collection.
* @param { String | Object } docOrID A document or docID in this collection.
removeIt(docOrID) {
* Throws an Error if the passed slugName is not a slugName.
* @param slugName The SlugName
* @throws { Meteor.Error } If the passed slugName is not a slug name.
assertSlug(slugName) {
if (!this._collection.findOne({ name: slugName })) {
throw new Meteor.Error(`Undefined slug ${slugName}.`, '', Error().stack);
* Returns an empty array (no integrity checking done on Slugs.)
* @returns {Array} An empty array.
checkIntegrity() { // eslint-disable-line class-methods-use-this
return [];
* Returns an object representing the passed slug docID in a format acceptable to define().
* @param docID The docID of a Slug.
* @returns { Object } An object representing the definition of docID.
dumpOne(docID) {
const doc = this.findDoc(docID);
const { name } = doc;
return { name };
* Singleton instance of the SlugCollection.
* @type {api/slug.SlugCollection}
* @memberOf api/slug
export const Slugs = new SlugCollection();
* Slugifies the given text. Slugs can be used in URLs.
* @param text {string} the text to slugify.
* @return {string} a slugified string.
* @memberOf api/slug
export function slugify(text) {
return text.toString()
.replace(/\s+/g, '-') // Replace spaces with -
.replace(/[^\w-]+/g, '') // Remove all non-word chars
.replace(/--+/g, '-') // Replace multiple - with single -
.replace(/^-+/, '') // Trim - from start of text
.replace(/-+$/, ''); // Trim - from end of text