Deploy a release

A HACC-Hui release contains two services: HACC-Hui (the Meteor application), and MongoDB (the backend database system).

Deployment is the process of bringing up these services on a production server.

We utilize Docker to manage deployment.

We publish the Docker Image for the HACC-Hui service to the HACC-Hui organization at DockerHub.


Windows-based deployment is not supported.

Initial setup

When configuring a production server for the first time, you'll want to do the following:

Install Docker and Docker Compose

First, install Docker and Docker Compose on your production server.

Please consult the Docker installation documentation and the Docker Compose installation documentation for instructions.


TO install Docker on Ubuntu 18, I followed these instructions.

Note that you need to setup the user to not need sudo for docker.

I followed the standard docker-compose installation instructions.

Clone hacchui-docker

Next, clone the hacchui-docker repository with git clone

Create config/settings.production.json

Your local hacchui-docker directory contains a subdirectory called "sample-config" containing a sample settings.production.json file called "sample.settings.production.json".

In order for HACC-Hui to deploy successfully, it expects to a file called "settings.production.json" in a directory named "config".

To setup this directory and file using sample.settings.production.json as a template, execute the following commands:

$ mkdir config
$ cp -R sample-config/* config
$ mv config/sample.settings.production.json config/settings.production.json

More details on settings.production.json setup needed.

Bring up services

Now, cd into the top-level directory, where you should find a script called To make it executable, invoke:

$ chmod 775

Invoke it with:

$ ./

This will download all the latest official public images for the two HACC-Hui services, and run them. The output should look like this:

$ ./
Creating network "opq-docker_default" with the default driver
Pulling mongo (mongo:4.0.5)...
4.0.5: Pulling from library/mongo
7b722c1070cd: Pull complete
5fbf74db61f1: Pull complete
ed41cb72e5c9: Pull complete
7ea47a67709e: Pull complete
778aebe6fb26: Pull complete
3b4b1e0b80ed: Pull complete
844ccc42fe76: Pull complete
eab01fe8ebf8: Pull complete
e5758d5381b1: Pull complete
a795f1f35522: Pull complete
67bc6388d1cd: Pull complete
89b55f4f3473: Pull complete
10886b20b4fc: Pull complete
Pulling hacchui (hacchui/hacchui:2.0.8)...
2.0.8: Pulling from hacchui/hacchui
f189db1b88b3: Pull complete
3d06cf2f1b5e: Pull complete
687ebdda822c: Pull complete
99119ca3f34e: Pull complete
e771d6006054: Pull complete
b0cc28d0be2c: Pull complete
9bbe77ca0944: Pull complete
75f7d70e2d07: Pull complete
f70d7ef53f76: Pull complete
596c5fb5e7e7: Pull complete
cafea2ea58df: Pull complete

Verify installation

Invoke the docker ps command to verify that all HACC-Hui containers are running. It should look similar to this:

$ docker ps
6d0666c48674 certbot/certbot "/bin/sh -c 'trap ex…" 17 seconds ago Up 16 seconds 80/tcp, 443/tcp hacchui-docker_certbot_1
a5cb7edeaeff hacchui/hacchui:2.0.0 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 19 seconds ago Restarting (1) 1 second ago hacchui-docker_hacchui_1
91e903641fa1 mongo:4.0.5 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 24 seconds ago Up 19 seconds>27017/tcp hacchui-mongo

In addition, you should also check the HACC-Hui service by opening up your web browser and going to http://production-server:8888.

Update to a new release

To update to a new release, cd to the opq-docker directory on your production server and invoke:

$ git pull origin master

This updates the .env file to specify the new version of the HACC-Hui (or MongoDB) release.

To restart the services with the updated release, invoke:

$ ./